What data does 4Degrees enrich?

Our goal at 4Degrees is to eliminate as much data entry as possible about your relationship network and deals. To do so, we're consistently expanding the set of information we'll enrich for you on your behalf.

Here's the current set we provide for you (where we can):

For deals:

  • Logo
  • Company Description
  • Location (city and state)
  • Website
  • Funding rounds (name, amount, date, investors)
  • Existing investors
  • Total funding raised
  • Last funding date
  • Last funding amount raised

For Companies:

  • Logo
  • Description
  • Location (city and state)
  • Website
  • Portfolio companies (if an investor)*

For Contacts:

  • Name
  • Work experience (roles and companies for current and prior roles)
  • Location (city and state)
  • Tags
  • Portfolio companies (if an investor)*

* Portfolio companies include the name of the company, the name of the round they invested in, the amount of that round and date, and the description of the business

Please also keep in mind that while the 4Degrees team does everything within its power to provide accurate and up-to-date enrichment to all of our customers' records within the platform, we do not guarantee 100% accuracy. If you do see any incorrect data being enriched, you have two options:

  • You can flag the incorrect information to the 4Degrees team so that we can troubleshoot on your behalf. You would do this by selecting "report problem" in the ellipsis drop-down menu in the top right corner of a deal, contact, or company record as shown below (contact used for example). 

  •  You can also manually edit the contact fields using the same drop-down menu.

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