How do I manage the list of users our team has?

Each team in 4Degrees can have one or many team admins, who have more control over the team's 4Degrees instance. There is also a lesser role, called list admin. Team and list admins can take actions that a 'traditional' 4Degrees user can't.

List admins can take the following actions:

  • Edit fields in an existing list
  • Create new lists
  • Reorder lists

Team admins can take the above actions, as well as:

  • Upload deal CSV’s
  • Change teammates’ permissions for a list
  • Adding and deleting teammates from 4Degrees
  • Limiting the information that's synced via email and calendar into 4Degrees

If you are an Admin on the 4Degrees platform and would like to make another Teammate an Admin, click the Settings icon from any page in the account.

From the drop-down menu that appears, select 'Team settings'.
Next, select 'Team Management' from the headings that appear.

A list of all the users on your team with access to the 4Degrees platform will appear. Locate the teammate who you would like to give admin privileges to and switch that option On.

A pop up will appear in order for you to confirm whether you would still like to change the Admin status of that user. Click OK.

Your teammate now has either team or list admin access!

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