How do I integrate 4Degrees with my other applications?
We recognize that 4Degrees typically functions alongside a number of other tools you use to complete your work. To help you save time and avoid data entry, we've integrated with Zapier to help you streamline how you work with multiple products.
The simplest way to think of Zapier is an engine that allows an event in one product to trigger an action in a different one. For instance - if you've added a new contact in 4Degrees, then Zapier can help you automatically add that same contact in Mailchimp (or 1000s of other products).
To enable this, Zapier offers two types of integrations: a trigger and an action. Zapier operate on an ‘if trigger then action’ paradigm. 4Degrees has both triggers and actions for Zapier.
4Degrees supports the following triggers:

Most of these triggers occur when a person / deal / reminder is created or updated in the 4Degrees platform, except for the "New Exported Contact" trigger, which occurs when you select ‘Export to Zapier’ on the Contact list (by pressing the "Export" button).
You can use these triggers to send information to other applications in Zapier. For example, some users have used the 'Contact Updated’ trigger to ensure all of their Google Contacts represent the information you have in 4Degrees.
4Degrees supports the following Actions:

These actions allow you to edit or create an object in the platform based on data from other applications. Some users have used ‘create deal’’ trigger to log a deal every time a google form on their website is filled out, for example.
Use Cases
We’ve created a number of templates in Zapier that represent common use cases for our customers - this list is ever evolving, so feel free to check back or suggest new ones:

All of these templates can be accessed through our integration page on Zapier’s website: Try them out!