How diligence relationships are identified

On each individual deal page, 4Degrees will suggest contacts in your team's network that you might want to connect with for that particular deal. These are called Potential Due Diligence Relationships.

How does the system come up with Potential Due Diligence Relationships?

The contacts that are suggested to you for Potential Due Diligence Relationships are identified based on the tags added to the deal.

The Potential Due Diligence Relationship Contact Suggestion

For each contact you’ll see the following information:

  •  the person’s name
  •  their current job information
  • the shared tags that drove the recommendation
  • who owns the relationship on your team
  •  a link to their LinkedIn profile
  • their email address

By default, we’ll show up to 8 people in your team’s network who we think might be relevant.

You can view all the 8 suggestions by clicking the + Expand button.

Removing a Contact from the Potential Due Diligence list

1. Click the X button on the Contact box to remove that person from the list.

After removing the Contact from the suggested list, the system will attempt to show you additional people (upon refreshing the page) if others seem to match the criteria.

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