What are Companies and how do they work?
When a contact is added to 4Degrees, we pull information about your contact such as their current and previous work experience, when available. Our platform then identifies the companies that contact has worked for and with, and creates Companies for each of them.
Viewing Companies on the platform
1. To view your Companies, select the Contacts tab.
How Companies are created
1. Companies are created by looking at the work experience of a contact, and creating companies on the platform for each of the places they've worked at.
- Go to the Contacts page and search for the Contact you would like to add a company to.
2. Click into the Contact's name to open the individual contact page.
- On the Company page, click into the name/s of the Contact/s you would like to remove the Company from. This will take you to the individual contact's page.
2. On the individual contact's page, scroll down to the Work Experience section. Hover over the Company name and select the X (delete) button.
3. A notification will prompt asking you to confirm the action. Choose OK.
4. Once the company is successfully removed from a contact's work experience, you will get a confirmation message.
5. To delete the Company from the platform entirely, click into all the contacts associated with the company and remove it from their work experience.