Adding new contacts in the Outlook Add-in

4Degrees will add contacts to your team's relationship network on your behalf as you interact with them (you can read more about how that happens here). However, before you've interacted with the contact enough for our system to import them, you may want to add a contact yourself. Read on for how!

Once you have the 4Degrees add-in sidebar open, it will show you:

  1. The completed profile of the people you're interacting with
  2. Any deals that person is associated with that you are actively tracking
  3. Any recommendations that the system has for you based on the email context (e.g., introductions to talent, adding a new deal)
  4. If you're interacting with new contacts that have not been added into the system (pictured below)

There are two different ways to add new contacts in the Outlook add-in:

  1. Creating a contact from scratch
  2. Opening an email from a contact that you don't have yet in your 4Degrees system

Adding a new contact by creating a contact from scratch

1. Open up the 4Degrees sidebar. Once open, click the button that says Create contact from scratch.

2. On the create contact form, fill up the Name and Email fields.

3. Once filled out, select the Add to 4Degrees button to add the contact to your list.

4. You will get a Contact added confirmation once the contact is successfully added.

5. Another option you have is to Add Tags to the contact. You can choose to add a tag or skip this step.

6. Once the contact has been successfully added, the contact details will appear on the 4Degrees sidebar as shown below.

Adding a new contact by opening an email from a person that isn't in the 4Degrees system

1. Open up the 4Degrees sidebar. Once open, click the button that says Add to 4Degrees.

2. You will get a Contact added confirmation once the contact is successfully added. After adding the contact, you have the option to Add reminders to reach out to the contact. You can choose to add a reminder or skip this step.

3. Another option you have is to Add tags to the contact. You can choose to add a tag or skip this step.

4. Once the contact has been successfully added, the contact details will appear on the 4Degrees sidebar as shown below.

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