Deal Lists and Views
We've updated our Deals functionality to provide you with more flexibility and power. We've done that by changing how Lists work and by creating Views.
What are Lists and Views?
A List is a pipeline that contains a set of deals that you are tracking. Each List has its own set of fields and stages that all deals in that List share. For instance, you could create a List for "New Opportunities", a List for "Portfolio Companies", and a List for "Limited Partners", and track different data across each list.
While the same business can be in multiple Lists, the data associated with that company is separate in each List. This means that the notes you've saved for a company that is in your "New Opportunities" List do not automatically transfer to the "Portfolio Companies" list. Note that your interactions will be reflected across both Lists, however (because both are connected to your email and calendar).
A View is a visual layout of the data you have in a given List. This would include filtering a List by a given criterion, or sorting it by another. For instance, if you wanted a view of just the deals in the "New Opportunities" list that you owned, you could create a new View with the filter "owner is you" applied.
An important thing to understand: a View is just a different way of looking at the same underlying data. This means that if you edit the data in a deal while in one View, it will change that data for all Views in that List, since all Views are looking at the same deal. This also means that as new deals are added to a List that fit the criteria for a View, that deal will also be added to that View. All Views share the same set of fields and stages as the Lists they are a part of.
Creating Lists and Views
Create a View
You can create Views under Contacts, Companies or for Jobs/Deals. In all three areas, you are able to create a View by applying the relevant filters and then selecting the "Save as new ievw" option.
If you select the "Save as New View" option, you will be able to name the View. After adding a View name, click "Create" and your View should now appear in the dropdownlist of Views at the far left of the page.

Create a List
Unlike Views, Lists can only be created in the Jobs/Deals tab. To create a List, click the more menu (3 dots) button that appears to the right of all your Lists, and click "Create a new list".
You may create your new list from scratch or you may copy a template from an existing List.