Customizing your experience

There are so many ways you make 4Degrees work for you whether you have a team license or an individual license.  Below is a list of customizations available to you.


Dashboard settings
This is the most important customization on the 4Degrees platform.  Here you can tell us what is important to you and we will tailor all our suggestions and alerts to your preferences.
Contact reminders
If you set cadences with your contacts (e.g.. reminders to reach out every 3 months), you can customize the time frames available to you.
Email sync
Did you know that you can sync multiple gmail and/or outlook accounts?
Other email settings:
You can also tell us to ignore or count emails as interactions
You can choose to import the contents of emails or not
Email settings
You can set the time and day of each email we send you.  Additionally you can delegate these emails to someone else like an administrative assistant.
Manage tags
Did you know you can create your tags?  Tags can be used to track or organize anything you find important.  
Manage email templates
4Degrees wants to make making introductions as easy as possible, so we will launch a template for you any time you make in introduction on our platform.  And you can update what this template says in order to meet your needs.


Max contact sharing
As a team, what is the maximum level of detail do you want each team member to be able to share about contacts?  You can set that here.
Manage team sharing settings
As an individual, what level of detail do you want to share about your contacts that does not exceed your team maximum?  You can set that here.
Contact frequencies
If your team sets cadences with contacts (e.g.. reminders to reach out every 3 months), you can customize the time frames for every member of your time at once.
Import email bodies
When enabled, 4Degrees will import the bodies of emails when syncing with your users' email accounts.  When disabled, 4Degrees will still import users' emails, but will not store the bodies.
Exchange sync
When enabled, 4Degrees will use your impersonator account to sync with the Exchange accounts of the select users.  When disabled, Exchange sync will be managed at the user level.

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