Best Practices for Creating a Deal Automation

To create a deal automation, navigate to the List Settings page and then click "Automations" on the header bar.

Here you'll see all the deal automations that already exist across your platform. To add a new automation click the "new automation" button.Give your Automation a Name

First you'll want to give your automation a name that will help you remember what this automation does. For example, you could name it Stage Change when no Interactions. Whatever you choose, just make sure it will make sense to you and your teammates.

Choose a Deal List

Next, you'll need to choose which list you want this automation to affect. Each automation will only affect the deals inside of the deal list you choose. You can only select one deal list. 

Create a Condition (When a Deal has...)

Now you'll create the first part of your automation. This condition is the thing that has to happen before the action occurs. For example: When a deal list has no interactions in 10 days, then 4Degrees will change the stage to "on hold".  In this example, the condition is "when a deal list has no interactions in 10 days." Think of this as a sentence where you need to fill in the blanks. 

Create an Action (4Degrees will...)

The last part of the automation is creating the action. This is the thing you want 4Degrees to automatically do when the condition is met. For example: When a deal list has no interactions in 10 days, then 4Degrees will change the stage to "on hold". In this example, the action is "4Degrees will change the stage to 'on hold'". 

Save the automation and you're all done!

Note: Automations only change deals when the trigger happens after the automation is created, they are not retroactive.

Some Automation Examples:

  • Keep track of time-sensitive records in the deals section by setting a condition of "No Interaction" or "Days In Stage" for X days. Typically, the action would be to either "Create A Reminder" or "Change Stage" of the record.
  • Track business development/prospecting progress by setting a condition of "Stage Change" (maybe from cold outreach to engaged) and an action of "Change Assigned" (from the prospector to the relevant teammate) or "Create Reminder".
  • Remember to research before your upcoming meeting by setting a condition of "Date Value" for "Next Meeting Date" under a certain amount of time to give yourself plenty of time to do your due diligence.
  • Never forget to start off certain processes, such as legal review, by creating a condition for "Stage Change" to a stage that would set a process like that off with an action to "Change Assigned" (to whomever is in charge of generating legal paperwork) or "Create Reminder".
  • Make sure that opportunities are assigned to the appropriate team by choosing the condition "Number Value" in regards to fields like Revenue, Profits, etc with an action like "Change Assigned" if an opportunity changes tiers/teams.

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