Deal Report: Graph Values

While seeing the count of deals / LPs / records in a list is common way to understand your data, sometimes it's useful to be able to see sums and averages of fields.  For example - if you're an investment bank and you want to know how much fee revenue your business development pipeline includes, or if you're a fund trying to pace deployments.

In a 4Degrees deal report, you can change the graph to instead display the sum or average of any currency or number based field you have in your list.  

To do this:

1. Open the deal report you wish to modify:

2. Click the "graph values" button on the chart, select the field and mathematical operation (average, sum) that you'd like the graph to display, and click "Apply"

3. The chart will then change to display your desired structure.  If you find this visualization useful, you may want to save it (using the save button in the top right) for future reference.

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