Send Email Campaigns in 4Degrees
Use 4Degrees to send personalized emails to multiple associated contacts at once. In this article we will walk you through the entire flow and talk through any potential errors that might happen.
Note: Right now, you can only send an email campaign to associated contacts in a given list, and you can only send emails to email addresses that you have permission to view in your 4Degrees instance. Learn more about permissions in 4Degrees here.
Choose Records
To get started, select the records that contain associated contacts you'd like to bulk email, and then select "email contacts".
No Associated Contact email addresses found
If you run into the page, it's because there aren't any email addresses for us to send the bulk email to. There are two reasons why that may be the case.
- Our bulk emailing tool allows you to send emails to the associated contacts of the records you selected. If there are no associated contacts in the records you selected, then you will see this page. Add some associated contacts or choose different records to continue.
- 4Degrees takes privacy very seriously and we allow you to set privacy settings so that your teammates can only see information that you're comfortable with. If you are trying to email associated contacts, and you don't have permission to view their email addresses, you will see this page. In short, you cannot email people if you don't have access to their email addresses.
- To be clear, you will only see this page if all of the people you are trying to email have addresses that you are not allowed to
Choose which email to send from
You can choose from any emails that are currently synced or have been previously synced to 4Degrees.
- You can check which emails have ever been synced by going to the Email Sync page in your account settings. If you'd like to add a new email address, you can sync the new email - you can always remove the sync it later if you'd like.
- We can only send emails from email addresses with custom domains. For example, we cannot send emails from generic domains like
Verify your email address
Deliverability is our highest priority, so the first time you send a bulk email, we connect you with a tool called Postmark to ensure your emails are delivered successfully and that your emails are not marked as spam. If you need extra help with this step, we wrote a detailed article to help you through the process.
Double-check who you're emailing
Carefully review the email addresses you are about to email. If you get a lot of bounced emails or are marked as spam by people who receive your email, this could cause issues where 4Degrees can no longer send bulk emails for you.
If an email address is wrong, or you'd like to add another address, you'll need to leave the Bulk Emailing flow and make the correction in your 4Degrees contact. Then you can start the flow again with the updated emails.
Write your email
Now it's time to write your email! Be sure to check out the "contact data" button where you can insert custom contact data like First Name, Last Name, and Full Name. This will allow your email to feel more personalized and don't worry, you'll double-check that contact data on the next page so no one's name will be spelled wrong!
Double-check the contact data
If you used First Name, Last Name, or Full Name to write you're email, you'll need to double-check that those names are correct and that none of them are blank. You must fill in blank names in order to continue.
Review the email and send it!
We'll show you a preview of your email and then an overview of all of the details. Make sure you review all these details, because once you hit "send email" there's no going back!
Check on the status of your email
Great work, you're email is sending! Head to your dashboard to check on the status of your email, it may take a few minutes for all of the emails to be sent.