Sharing Settings (For Individual Contacts)
In addition to sharing settings at that apply across all of your contacts, sharing settings can also be applied on a per contact level. This can be handy for cases where you're interacting with a personal connection, significant other, etc. that you don't want the full team to have the same visibility as your professional contacts.
To enable that for a particular contact:
1. On the Contacts page, look for the Contact you want to personalize the sharing settings for. Click into the Contact's name.
2. Once you have the individual contact page open, look for the three dots icon on the right side of the screen. Click the icon.
3. On the dropdown, select Contact sharing.
4. This will open up the individual contact sharing settings. On this box, change and update the sharing settings as needed. Click Edit sharing settings to save the changes
Learn more about all your sharing setting options in 4Degrees: