Interaction Reports: Grouping Options

One of the main ways to perform analysis on your interactions in 4Degrees reports is through "grouping" (or organizing) the data differently.  Through the use of our "Group" function,  you can answer interaction related questions like:

  • How many meetings did our team have this month (Grouping your data by "Interaction Type")
  • Which teammate has the highest volume of external conversations (Grouping your data by "Teammate Name")
  • Which deals are taking up most of our team's time and communication focus (Grouping your data by "Deal Name")

Our interaction reports typically default to grouping your interactions by "Teammate Name". To change how an interaction report is being grouped:

1. Starting on an interaction report, click the "Group" button at the top of the report:

2. In the drop-down menu that appears, select the attribute that you would like to organize your data by and click "Apply":

3. Your report will now appear organized by the field you selected in the prior step.  From here you can save the report if you plan to revisit it regularly (using the "Save" button in the top right), or customize it further (e.g., filtering out values, editing columns).

Note: You are currently only able to group an interaction report by the default set of options provided (Interaction Type, Date, Teammate Name, Deal Name, and Contact Name)

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