Interaction Reports: Filtering Options

As you review an interaction report in 4Degrees, you may want to expand or restrict the amount and type of data you're using for your analysis.  Our reporting suite comes with a number of filtering options that you can use to cut down to the subset of interactions that are relevant.

For our interaction reports, we currently enable you to filter a report by a combination of the fields below:

  • Teammate (who was involved in the interaction)
  • Interaction Type (e.g., Notes, Emails, Meetings, Calls, Not Shared)
  • Record Type (e.g., Deal, Contact)
  • Interaction Date (which allows you to select a range between which the interactions you're reporting on took place).  Today, the maximum date range we allow is 31 days (~1 month), but we're looking to expand that over time.

To access the filters available to you on an interaction report, click the "Filter" button below the graph in your chosen report:

In the window that appears, you'll see the fields that you can filter by on the left hand side of the page, with the available options for the highlighted filter on the right hand side.  

Depending on the field type selected, the interface on the right may enable searching for specific options, selecting dates, and / or limit you to picking specific options.  The filters here can be used independently or in combination, depending on your needs.  Filters with the purple circle next to them are "active", meaning that there is some set of filters applied to your data based on those fields.

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