Record Report: Filtering Options

As you review a record report in 4Degrees (either our default record report or a custom report), you may find that not all of the data in the report you're seeing is relevant to the analysis you'd like to conduct.  Our reporting suite comes with a number of filtering options that you can use to cut down to the subset of record information you're looking for.

We currently enable you to filter a report by a combination of the field types below (assuming you have them enabled in the list you are reporting against):

  • Default fields:
    • Deal Name
    • Company Name
    • Stage
    • Entered stage in date range (which allows you to filter for records that passed through that particular stage in a certain time period - e.g., all deals that made it to the "Legal" stage in 2022).
    • Tags
    • Location
    • Assigned To
    • Date Received
  • Custom field types:
    • Dates
    • Currencies
    • Single Select
    • Multi Select

To access the filters available to you on a report, click the "Filter" button below the graph in your chosen report:

In the window that appears, you'll see the fields that you can filter by on the left-hand side of the page, with the available options for the highlighted filter on the right-hand side.  Depending on the field type selected, the interface on the right may enable searching for specific options, selecting dates, and/or limit you to picking specific options.  The filters here can be used independently or in combination, depending on your needs.

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