Email Campaign Analytics

Our Email Campaign Analytics capabilities gives you powerful insights into the performance of email campaigns that you have run in 4Degrees. Whether you're running fundraising campaigns, investor updates, or deal sourcing initiatives, you can now track engagement metrics across all your email campaigns in one centralized dashboard.

Email Campaign Statistics Snapshot

When you access the Reports page in 4Degrees, you'll see a section towards the bottom right of the page that provides an initial overview of recent email campaign performance.

This dashboard provides key statistics for your outreach campaigns:

  • Emails Sent (note: this is the total number of emails distributed across all the campaigns that you have conducted in the time period)
  • Open Rate 
  • Click Rate
  • Bounce Rate
  • Unsubscribe rate

You can easily adjust the timeframe of your analytics view -Choose between 30, 60, or 90-day windows (or all time) to analyze trends and performance over different periods. All metrics automatically update to reflect your selected timeframe.  

Note: tracking for open rates, bounce rates, click rates, and unsubscribe rates began as of February 1st, 2025.

Detailed Campaign Analytics

For a deeper dive into your outreach performance, click the "Open" button to access a more detailed analytics dashboard. 

Here you'll find each individual campaign is listed with the same set of detailed performance metrics.  This view helps you compare campaigns side by side and identify which messaging strategies are most effective with your audience.

Individual Campaign View

Want to understand how specific contacts engaged with your campaign? Click into any individual campaign to see recipient-level details:

  • Each recipient that received the email
  • Affiliated companies / deals (tied to the list from which you launched the campaign)
  • Recipient Email Addresses
  • Last Open Date (for opened emails)
  • Click Status
  • Bounce Status
  • Unsubscribe Status

This granular view helps you identify highly engaged contacts and clean up invalid email addresses in your database.

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