Creating custom reports

4Degrees comes preconfigured with a contact, deal, and interaction report, but you have the ability to easily create new reports of your own!

1. On the Reports page, click the button that says New report. This can be found on the top right-hand corner under the search bar.

2. Once the New report window appears, choose whether you'd like to report about data in the Contacts or Deals section of the product.

4. On the Report name field, type in the name of your report.

5. Once everything is set, click the button that says create. At this stage, you can also configure the new report to be emailed to any 4Degrees user on a regular cadence:

6. The new custom report will show up in the purple dropdown menu in the top left corner of the screen, as shown below with "Example Report.

7. You can then customize  the report as you see fit.  Modifications include:

  • Changing the list that the report is visualizing: by using the "List" button in the top left
  • Grouping the data by different fields (e.g., if you wanted to see how any deals you saw in a given timeframe, you could group the data by "Date Received" instead): covered in more detail here
  • Changing how the data is visualized (e.g., a pie chart instead of a bar chart): covered in more detail here
  • Changing the mathematical operations that is being shown in the chart (the above for example is "counting" the number of deals in that list that are in that stage): covered in more detail here
  • Choosing which columns to display in the detailed table underneath: any columns in that list can be pulled into the report by clicking the "Edit Columns" button.
  • Choosing to filter out deals that meet some criteria from being counted / displayed in the chart and table: covered in more detail here

Note: the process above describes to how create a custom Contact or Deal report.  To create a custom interaction report, you must modify the default interaction report (by customizing it to your liking) and then click "Save" in the top right - which will enable you save it as a custom interaction report for future reference.

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