Which field should I add to my deal flow list?

In each Deal List, you'll find a set of default fields. If you want to track even more data, you can add a field to your deal list.
In this article, we have gone over a few of the top reasons you might want to add a field to your deal flow list and given guidance as to which field type to choose.  

Table of Contents:
Crunchbase data - total funding, investors, employee count, website, and more
Passed Reason
Industry or Sector
Financial Data - revenue, cash burn, valuation, amount invested
Related Contacts - founders, investors
Deal Team

CrunchBase Populated Data

We offer default Crunchbase enrichment like employee count, website and other fields. If you want even more Crunchbase data in your deal list, try one of these field types:

  • Last fundraising amount
  • Last fundraising date
  • Last fundraising type
  • Total Funding
  • Investors


Passed Reason

  • If you have a list of 'pass reasons' that you want to work from, we recommend using a single select or multi-select field type.

  • If you like to write out your 'pass reason' each time, we recommend using a text field type (meant for text 1 sentence or less) or a long text field type (if you want to write more than a quick sentence)

Industry or Sector

There are many ways you can track industry or sector. 

  • Tags (which are already in your deal list, no need to add a new field!) are an easy way to add industry/sector data and filter by that data. You can add them by clicking the "+" icon as shown below, and free typing. 4Degrees will suggest existing tags that match what you begin typing automatically

  • Single Select or Multi-Select field types work well when you have a small list of industries or sectors you want to track. Choose "Options" after creating a single or multi select field to outline the options that you want to allow users to select:

Financial Data (Revenue, cash burn, valuation, amount Invested...)

  • If you are tracking the last fundraising amount or total funding, see Crunchbase populated data
  • For most other financial data, we recommend the currency field. Once that field is added, you can decide what type of currency you are working with (USD, EUR, CAD...)

Related Contacts (founders, investors, sources...)

There are two ways to relate contacts to deals: Associated Contacts and Contact Reference Fields

  • Associated contacts are already in your deal list (find them in on the right-hand side of the deal page), these contacts are closely related to the deal and their interactions will appear in the deal's interaction log. When you add a contact as an associated contact, the contact's name will link to their page. You can add multiple contacts to the associated contacts section.

  • Another option is to add a Contact Reference field. You can customize the name to whatever you'd like and link one contact to that field per deal. When you add a contact to that field, the contact's name will link to their contact page. You can even add details about the contact to this field - learn how to do that here.

Deal Team

We have the 'assigned to' default field if you'd like to assign each deal to a specific teammate. But, if you'd like to track all the teammates that are working on each deal, we suggest creating a multi-select field type with all your teammates' names as multi-select options.

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