Uploading a Deal CSV - Quick Start Guide

Upload a CSV of Deals into 4Degrees

While we have very detailed instructions on CSV uploading here, some prefer a faster to digest version.  If that's you, see below!

1. Set up your 4Degrees list fields to capture the data you have in your spreadsheet

  • For example: if you have a field in your spreadsheet that you'd like to upload for "Revenue", but you have no fields of the "currency" type in your 4Degrees list, that data won't have a natural place to be uploaded to.
  • This involves reviewing the fields you have in your spreadsheet, and checking that there's a similar field in 4Degrees (either one of our default fields, or a custom field you've created).  If a suitable one does not exist, you can create one by clicking the "Add Field" button at the bottom of the list settings page.
    • Note: you can't directly upload data to Formula fields or the Linked Deals field - so you'll want to plan your field structure accordingly for the upload
  • You don't need the column headings to exactly match the titles of your fields in 4Degrees (you'll have the opportunity to map them during the CSV upload process)

2. Ensure the format of the data in your spreadsheet works with the 4Degrees field types you'll map it to

Overall tips:

  • If you're outside of the U.S. - double check that your CSV file is delimited by commas (instructions on how to manage that are here)
  • Have Row 1 in your spreadsheet contain the titles of the columns / fields (i.e., don't have row 1 be blank)
  • Save the file in .CSV format (otherwise you won't be able to upload it to 4Degrees)
  • If you have a field set as "required" in 4Degrees (meaning it must be filled in to create a deal), you'll want to make sure that each row in your spreadsheet has data filled in for the relevant column.
  • Double check for duplicates - if you have it enabled, we use the "Deal Name" column as the unique identifier for deals in your list (if it's not enabled, we use either of the Company or Contact field).  If you have two deals in your spreadsheet with the same name, we will upload the first one only - so it's worth ensuring they are unique if so!

For specific fields:

  • For Single Select or Multi-Select Fields: the data in your spreadsheet for those columns must match the options you've specified for those fields exactly
  • For Associated Contacts: your spreadsheet column should either have only the name OR email address of the contact you wish to upload to this field
  • For Tags: you'll want to separate each tag for a deal either in it's own distinct column OR by having a comma between each tag
  • For Number Fields: Make sure the data in that column only contains numbers (and is formatted as a number, not as text)
  • For Percentage Fields: Make sure the data in that column only contains numbers (the % symbol is allowed)
  • For Date Fields: We accept multiple formats here, but make sure that all the data in that column is in month, day, year order (e.g., 10/20/2020, 10.20.2020, Oct 20th 2020)
  • For Currency Fields: Make sure that all the data is formatted as either a number or a currency.  Each currency field is set up to only have one currency type (e.g., USD, SGD, BGP, Euro), so you'll also want all the data in that column to be in that currency.

There are some field types where you can map more than one entity in your spreadsheet to a single field in 4Degrees (Tags, Associated Contacts, and Multi-Select fields).  To do this successfully, you can either:

  • Separate each into different columns (e.g., have one column for Tag 1, and another column for a Tag 2 for the same deal) or
  • Separate each entity by a comma in the same column (e.g., in a single cell in your spreadsheet, have "Tag 1, Tag 2"

Once you've done these steps, you should be able to upload your CSV successfully!  If you'd like more guidance or are running into issues, this article is more robust and could be helpful in troubleshooting.

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